Environnement dominant
Mixed (wood, countryside, village)

Revêtement prédominant
Earthen paths, paved roads.

This walk through the woods takes you to several small streams, an old watermill and several chapels. The very hilly route rewards you with some beautiful viewpoints. A walk to discover and rediscover!

Estimated time: 3h15

Tags to follow:

All the walking maps of Villers-la-Ville and the surrounding area are available at the Tourist Office of Villers-la-Ville at the price of 6€. Adress: rue de l’Abbaye n°53, 1495 Villers-la-Ville.

Photographies: © M. Notté

Total distance: 9590 m
Download file: VLV 3 Le coureur des bois.gpx
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Liste des réclamations: Le coureur des bois – Villers-la-Ville

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